Monday 8 June 2009

I'm running Sainsbury's

U watched this programme with great interest! The idea seemed too good to be true . . . and it was. What it was, was a PR exercise to show how good Sainsbury's are. But are they?

Knowing what I do about how superstores like this are run, I found it strange that Head Office did not give this poor girl a hand like they would do for every other new product on the shelf i.e. vouchers, start the campaign at the weekend, offer tastings, even showing her how to sell. But then they wouldn't because it is not really in their interest to simply because they would stop the customer from buying more as they searched for the key things to make up their "Feed a Family for a Fiver".

I also thought the staff at Head Office were patronising to Becky.

So they got their PR but I personally don't think they got very good PR because it showed how ruthless they are especially when it comes to supporting staff and their ideas!

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Do you think checkout operators are intelligent?