Thursday, 4 December 2008

Milk the system and be popular with your manager

This week has been interesting to say the least. My manager read me the riot act for taking my tea break at a different time. I did it to help out my colleagues. When I pointed how stupid this was she threw back in my face how she had been helping me??????
Then I pointed out that she should be clamping down on the people milking the system - what about the time stealers? What about the people who spend excessive amounts of time doing simple jobs? What about . . . being a manager to them?
She didn't like that and hasn't spoken to me since.
At least mega mouth is gone - hooray!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, 10 October 2008

when is bullying not bullying?

I'll tell you next week after I have taken my claims to senior management and the union.

Wednesday, 8 October 2008

One handed checkout opering

I can't believe that my store won't allow me to have an afternoon teabreak because I don't work an 8 hour day - only 7 1/2 hours and therefore only qualify for a morning break and unpaid lunch. The problem is that because of the cold weather my joints have swollen up in my right hand making my fingers go into spasm i.e. I spend all day working as a checkout operator on tills. The worst part is that I have been there 14 years.

Surely this can't be right?

Tuesday, 30 September 2008

The best day of the week

Having been on holiday for the past could of weeks, it makes you appreciate how precious life is and how some people i.e. the supervisors I work under make life so unbearable for some of my colleagues. However, the trouble is, who do you complain to?

Your immediate manager - she has, unfortunately, become ineffectual as a manager. She started well, but due to one particular supervisor (who has endless amounts of issues and a very loud mouth) she has lost her spark and let this individual manage her. If I were her, I would transfer her out of our store - but that is logical and an easy solution. Anyway that is not my problem.

The union rep - she too has little impact even though she has the union behind her.

The store manager - he thinks everything in every department is rosy. Probably because he has his own problems and this one should, I emphasise should, be sorted out by my manager.

Leave - the problem is especially in this current economical situation it is not a good idea.

Grin and bear it - that is the easy way out. However, I am fortunate because for me there are ways out. But I do feel very sorry for the meek amongst my colleagues. I have told them that I will help them "get action" and that they need to "group together" because that way somebody, somewhere will have to do something.

It would be nice to be able to do the job you get paid to do without the bullying that goes on.

Saturday, 30 August 2008

Judgemental to customers

When you think I have been off work for almost 6 months, having just gone back, after 5 minutes it is like I have never been away. It is like a hiccup in time However, some things have changed.

Some people I work with have become more dissatified with work and therefore get annoyed or upset by stupid things. For instance, one older lady I work with has become judgemental about customers she serves - making comments about them, their appearance, size, or matter. I told her that we are not there to be judgmental just to serve and get people through the door as quickly as possible. But I know she really doesn't want to be there and quite frankly, if she feels that strongly why doesn't she leave?

It is a pity that people have to behave like that. I can remember a time when people would jump through hoops for you but not now. Now we have a credit crunch, no pensions, no money and the cost of living has risen sharply hence, some people feel they are justified in behaving in this judgemental way.

Sunday, 27 April 2008

Miracles do happen

The absences of posting is due to a long stay in hospital. Fortunately, for me the NHS put me in a private hospital - that was the good news. The bad news was that they made me go home. Gone was the fantastic room service and the lazy life.
Now that I have just about recovered from a total hip replacement, I am facing the prospect of going back to my supermarket job and already the problems have started.
I spoke to my manager to arranged rehab hours, they she made it clear that I would be give no concessions to accommodate my rehab. As if I am not already freaked out about going back this made things much worse. I really wish there was a way, some way so that I wouldn't have to go back EVER.
I know miracles do happen and I am certainly due for one.

Tuesday, 8 January 2008

After the Christmas Party

Sorry for the delay in adding content to my blog but due to unforseen circumstances I have been unavailable to access my spot on the internet, Things are getting back to normal after a hectic few months including Christmas.
It has been entertaining watching senior management behaving like schoolboys who have just reached puberty at the staff Christmas parties. All I can say is that school girls must be getting desparate to let these "old" men anywhere near them. And believe me they are not much to write home about. Yet they are the ones who preach how mature we must behave to customers.. . yet it is OK for them to get legless.
On a positive note, I was pleased to see Jamie Oliver having a go at Sainsbury's in the papers this morning about not attending his conference on animal welfare in farming. Good on ya Jamie - their excuse was pretty lame if you ask me. They replied saying that a statement had already been made and therefore they did not see the need to attend. Yeah, right. I hope the customers boycott the stores then that will teach them.

Do you think checkout operators are intelligent?