Tuesday 24 March 2009

It's springtime????

Another beautiful day! Have you noticed that people behave differently when the sun is shinning?

Who knows if this weather is going to continue! But it is nice to hear the dawn chorus, see all the daffs, watch the new shoots grow - this time of year inspires you to get out and do something! And that should keep the weight off!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday 11 March 2009

Good Luck Wellworths, I hope you succeed!

It's nice to see the passion that the new boss of WellWorths has. It's also good to see that someone has the courage of their convictions and "went for it".

Chris Evana made a passing comment that this story was going to be made into a movie, I hope so because it would make a brilliant story - wish I thought of it.

Perhaps others will follow and do what they feel passionate about. Including me!!!

Do you think checkout operators are intelligent?