Saturday, 17 February 2007

Saturday night

Getting Started - Here we go

Sometimes I wish I was a virtual person, it would make writing these posts easier. I'm at a loss to know what to put - I want to write about so much - the people I meet (when I am working - am checkout operator on a till) ; the bizarre things that happen to me - I win a lot of things; am unable to think clearly - will need to gain a bit of "blogger" confidence - then . . . tommorrow will be a better day.

All I did today, was clean no empty would be a better phrase - took everything out my wardrobe, everything means everything - it's easy once you remove all the things cluttering up your wardrobe. It's amasing the things you'd forgotten about. And the things that have lots of memories - photos, odd bits of papers/receipts/notes/rubbish basically.

As I start to put things back having piled everything up around my bedroom I think to myself "Do I really need/want/use this? " The trouble is that things take on a life of their own - most have little characters themselves - but it's only junk. I haven't used it for years - forgot I had it - so it must go.

Stores should not be allowed to sell "junk". Having said that, once you "throw it out" you feel a sense of relief - that's one less thing in my life.

It does make me wonder why I bought it in the first place. If I didn't hoard all of these useless things then I wouldn't have to clean. And do I hate cleaning.

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Do you think checkout operators are intelligent?