Wednesday, 10 June 2009

I'm still running Sainsbury's

The episode last night featured a new recruit who had a successful career in sales and it showed. She definitely knew what she was talking about and her ideas were doable. From the trailers I thought it was going to be more agressive selling but what she in fact did was make Sainsbury's user friendly. So for me it worked. And I liked the idea!

No doubt they will be implementing this into our store. It will be interesting to see who the Store Manager chooses to be the sales person that is where the difference will occur. Because the way I see it you need someone who is approachable, confident, able to "personality" sell and a person who is keen to do a good job.

Yes, this is bringing back communication to the customer. It is also a good way of finding out what customers want.

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Do you think checkout operators are intelligent?