Monday 21 December 2009

Last minute Christmas shopping

Why is it that shops and supermarkets are heaving with customers to the point where it seems like the end of the world. Supermarkets and food shops are only closed for one day Christmas - and even then you could probably find a shop somewhere that is open.

I don't know about you but by the end of Christmas day the last thing I want is food. And the last place I want to go is a shop or supermarket. I have bought too much, feel bloated, overweight and uncomfortable. All I can think of is how much weight I put on and how long it will take me to get rid of it.

What has happened to buying one thing for each person on your list and making the most of the day rather than trying to outdo each other buying presents nobody wants and that will be forgotten about in a matter of hours.

What has happened to the our society? We have never had it so good, even in this recession but we are not happy, in fact, we are more depressed than ever.


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year - I hope that 2010 will be a happy and healtby year for you and your families.

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Do you think checkout operators are intelligent?