Sunday, 5 August 2007


It is amazing the affect that the absence of one supervisor can make. If this Supervisor doesn't like you she makes your life hell. Complaining to managerment, personnel and the union makes no difference - for some reason she has a hold on them. Although she is always off sick, ill or otherwise she gets away with it - anyone else would be given warnings and fired. Yet she is the person we take orders from - someone with NO interpersonal skills!.To look on the bright side of things she is away for 3 weeks during the summer holidays and it is bliss. There is none of this - I can't talk to you because she won't speak to me; or she doesn't like you so I can't either. It is sad that in this day and age people will not stand up for themselves. However, having said that I appreciate the difficulty in standing up for yourself because no on will take action nor will anyone in authority support you. All you end up doing is upsetting yourself and she goes onto bully you even more. I suppose that is what it's like working at the check-outs - there is one rule for one and another rule for everyone else. The only winners are those people whose face fits!

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Do you think checkout operators are intelligent?