Wednesday 3 February 2010

ID please

A story appeared in today's tabloids that told of a Checkout Operator in Tesco's who asked for ID when a young girl was buying a quiche. I think that was a case of common sense gone wrong because I could think of nothing in a quiche that would require the buyer to be over 18 - having said that we have prompts on out tills when customers buy The Sunday Times. I don't know what that is about?

However, while age ID is an important issue it does require common sense.

I had a case a few months ago where I ID'd a young looking chap because I thought he looked young. He gave me a hard time and I called a Duty Manager who disgarded what I told him about the incident and made me look a complete idiot. Needless to say, I was so upset and would have left if I could afford to leave. It was terrible. No back-up. Never again.

I suppose I thought, for a fraction of a second, that management especially senior management would back me up - silly woman I am!

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Do you think checkout operators are intelligent?