Monday, 17 September 2007

Enterprising customers

A customer came to my checkout this morning. She was mid-twenties with a few dreadnots. She looked like a new ager complete with multiple piercings - there must have been at least forty. They were up and down her ears, through and around her nose; at various places around her lips; a few in and around her eyebrows. In fact there were so many, I had difficulty in looking at her as I was serving her. Her clothes looked shabby as though she had changed in a couple of weeks. Don't get me wrong, my job is not to judge but to process people through my till. And I wasn't judging - honest!

I scanned her items and told her that would be £41.23. She then produced a cellofane bag with lots of coins and proceeded to count. She counted and counted - Forty pounds worth of counting.

"Did you do a car boot sale yesterday?" I asked her.
"No" she said "I sold shots at the Isle of Wight festival."
Being not completely with it, I asked what shots were.
"Tequilla. I sold shots of tequilla for a pound. I got all dressed up and went around asking people if they wanted to buy a shot for a pound,"

My opinion of her immediately changed to one of an enterprising person. How clever was that? I thought it was genius. Making money with little outlay. A pound a shot is not alot, something most people can afford.

It just goes to show you can sometimes misjudge people just by what they are wearing and what they look like.

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Do you think checkout operators are intelligent?